An L shaped home with 3 garages, as well as a huge tunnel as a doorway entrance. Trees in the background with the biggest driveway ever seen.

After we've gone through the necessary steps to understand what will be happening, and before we can actually start, we need to get approved for everything. This is how it works.


Construction Documentation


Site Plan Application

Approval from the city for grading, tree protection, tree hoarding, etc.


Zoning Approval / Pre-Planning Review

These are applications that review the scope of work to ensure that we are fully compliant with the site-specific zoning by-laws.


Committee of Adjustment

If the initial design does not, or cannot, comply with the specific zoning for the identified property, a minor variance application is required to receive relief of this particular zoning by-law.


Conservation Approval

Various properties may be located within ESAs (Environmentally Sensitive Areas) and would therefore require approval from the local Conservation Area. This would include properties that back onto rivers, streams, lakes or Conservation wildlife areas.


Niagara Escarpment or Other

Outside of a Conservation Approval, these areas would be site specific to other authorities which may require approval.

-Construction Documents-

Construction documents are detailed drawings submitted for city approval and contractor guidance, ensuring a smooth permit process and accurate construction. Detailed drawings enhance efficiency and accuracy, leading to a streamlined construction timeline.

Depending on the size and scope of the project, these drawings will include any part of the following:

a) Site Plan Application
b) Demolition Plans
c) Proposed Plans
d) Exterior Elevations
e) Construction Sections
f) Exterior Details
g) Interior Details
h) Lighting/Electrical
i) Mechanical/HVAC